5764 (2003-2004) Season



MP3 only. For CD’s please contact navipods@gmail.com

Purchase the entire 5764 (2003-2004) season of Rabbi Reisman’s Navi Shiur at over 25% off the per shiur price!

Enjoy every single Navi Shiur from the 5764 season of sefer Melachim II and Yirmiyahu in one affordable collection.

Once purchased, files can be downloaded in one large zip file.

Included in this set:

Sefer Melachim II
1. Friendship (22:1) [MII-125]
2. Gemorah Rules (K’lalei Hashas) (22:3) [MII-126]
3. The Gra’s Gorel (22:9) [MII-127]
4. The Grandparent Guide (22:12) [MII-128]
5. Sho’maya K’oneh (22:18) [MII-129]
6. Sitting Shiva – Consoling the Neshama (22:20) [MII-130]
7. Join the Havdalah Club! (23:1) [MII-131]
8. For Kohanim (& Their Friends) Only! (23:6) [MII-132]
9. Havdalah Lessons (23:16) [MII-133]
10. Brisker Chumros (23:21) [MII-134]
11. Nekudas Habechirah: Not-So-Free Will (23:26) [MII-135]
12. Tatoos in Flatbush (23:33) [MII-136]
13. Shtup! (Try Harder!) (24:1) [MII-137]
14. Lefties (24:6) [MII-138]
15. Patience, Donkey, Patience (24:14) [MII-139]
16. Promises, Promises, Promises (24:17) [MII-140]
17. Shabbos Imponderables (25:1) [MII-141]
18. Home Sweet Home (A Yiddishe Shtub!) (25:3) [MII-142]
19. Why Golus? (25:9) [MII-143]
20. Mesilas Yeshorim Chapter 20 (25:22) [MII-144]
21. Regesh (Siyum) [MII-145]


Sefer Yirmiyahu
22. Introducing Yirmiyahu (1:1) [Y-1]
23. Rebuilding (1:8) [Y-2]
24. Ben Sira (1:11) [Y-3]
25. Leisure Time (1:14) [Y-4]
26. It’s Goyish (2:1) [Y-5]
27. Aveiros for Dummies (2:8) [Y-6]
28. The Rabbis Called Him ‘Acher’ (2:13) [Y-7]
29. How To Talk So People Won’t Listen – Guaranteed (2:23) [Y-8]
30. Reserving Seats (3:1) [Y-9]
31. Appreciating Yerushalayim (4:1) [Y-10]
32. Speech Therapy: Learning to Say the Rught Thing (5:1) [Y-11]
33. There’s Holiness Within You!! (7:1) [Y-12]
34. Segulos For Peace Of Mind (8:1) [Y-13]
35. Ancient Wisdom (9:1) [Y-14]
36. Sod Haibor: Who’s Afraid of an Eclipse? (10:1) [Y-15]
37. The Rashba On Mazal (10:23) [Y-16]
38. Visiting The Holy Land (11:1) [Y-17]
39. Tips For Torah Study (12:1) [Y-18]