


Malachi was the last of the Naviim. His is the farewell prophecy to our people, urging them to anticipate the arrival of Eliyahu HaNavi, who will herald Moshiach and the return of prophetic vision. His moving lessons are explained in this, the newest of Rabbi Yisroel Reisman’s Pathways of the Prophets series.

Included in this set:

1. The Last War (Zecharia Ch:14)
2. Malachi Begins (Malachi Ch 1)
3. Eliyahu HaNavi (Malachi Ch 3:23)
4. The Best Rebbeim (Malachi 2:1-7)
5. The Struggle Against Depression (Malachi 2:8-13)
6. Surprise Visitor (Malachi Ch 3)
7. Prophecy Ends (Malachi Ch 3:22)
8. The End Of Malachi (Malachi 3:18-24)
9. Avodah Zara Today (Epilogue)

Once purchased, files can be downloaded individually or as a single zip file (or both).