The Struggles of Shimshon HaGibor



Shimshon – Muscleman of Gogol HaDor? These shiurim help us understand this most misunderstood of the great Shoftim of Nach. Appreciate the greatness of this Judge of the Jewish People, as Chazal appreciated him.

Included in this set:

1. The Shofet From Dan (Shoftim Chapter 13)
2. Strength In Difficult Times (Shoftim Chapter 14)
3. Shimshon’s Strange Battles (Shoftim Chapter 15)
4. The Strongest Man (Shoftim 15:9)
5. Shimshon’s Hair (Shoftim 16:17)
6. Shimshon, Delilah & You(Shoftim Chapter 16)
7. Shimshon’s Last Day (Shoftim 16:30)
8. Shimshon Imponderables
Once purchased, files can be downloaded individually or as a single zip file (or both).