The Book of Daniel is the story of a young man, taken from Eretz Yisroel to a foreign land, against his will. Daniel goes on to be successful; he becomes an adviser to kings and a leader of his people. He relates Hashem’s message of a long Golus and suffering, to be followed by the ultimate redemption. These shiurim examine the hashkofic messages of Daniel, and its relevance to our difficulties today. Lessons for a long Golus…
Included in this set:
1. Kidnapped! (Chapters 1,2)
2. Chananya, Mishael & Azarya (Chapter 3)
3. The Kings Of Babylon (Chapters 4,5)
4. Daniel In The Lion’s Den (Chapters 6)
5. It’s Been A Long Golus (Chapters 7,8)
6. Daniel’s Miscalculation (Chapter 9)
7. Daniel’s Last Vision (Chapters 10,11)
8. Epilogue – Daniel Lives On
Once purchased, files can be downloaded individually or as a single zip file (or both).